Archive for August 14, 2008

From Graffiti to Tattoos!

by J.R.

Graffiti can be complex, beautiful, dynamic, and controversial, but even more interesting than the art is the artists themselves. To create without desire for fame or recognition, knowing that the art will be removed or painted over, is an admirable trait credited to all graffiti artists. For my project, I decided to document the graffiti behind a local tattoo parlor. A wooden fence that runs about 30 feet long, in an area that is only open to employees and hardly ever viewed by customers, is completely covered with various tags, doodles, and giant murals behind the High Priestess Piercing and Tattoo parlor on 13th St. The artists go behind the store and tag while on smoke breaks or in between appointments. The wood of the fence is covered in layers and layers of paint; once the artists run out of space, they simply go over the old stuff. A 5 gallon bucket full of spray cans lies by the door, and every so often one of the guys will pick up a few more cans to replenish the stock.
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