Archive for August 8, 2008

A Survey of Female Latrinalia in Eugene, OR!

Figure 1: Jamesons’ bathroom door.

by J. M.

Thanks to latrinalia, going to the bathroom in public places is no boring activity. It is safe to say that the majority of the U.S. population has seen something written, posted, or drawn on a bathroom wall. Eugene’s bars are highly populated, thus giving us bathroom goers a lot of things to read and look at. I took a look at different women’s bathrooms throughout Eugene to find out what kind of things people were writing in different bars. Bathrooms have a sense of liminal space to them. You are in a stall, where no one else can see you, yet outside of the stall and the bathroom: there are lots of eyes to watch your every move. Behind that stall door, though, is your own time and space. Unlike train graffiti, in which automigration takes place, latrinalia gives the artist a chance to go back to their piece of work, add to it, and sometimes to even see what viewer’s think of their art if they respond. I wanted to see if things written in Sam Bond’s Garage bathrooms were different than those at Rennie’s, for example.

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